Improvement of water solubility of sulfamethizole through its complexation with β- and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin - Characterization of the interaction in solution and in solid state

  1. Pose-Vilarnovo, B.
  2. Perdomo-López, I.
  3. Echezarreta-López, M.
  4. Schroth-Pardo, P.
  5. Estrada, E.
  6. Torres-Labandeira, J.J.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

ISSN: 0928-0987

Year of publication: 2001

Volume: 13

Issue: 3

Pages: 325-331

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/S0928-0987(01)00131-2 GOOGLE SCHOLAR