Implantación de la tecnología BIM en la asignatura proyectos de los grados de ingenierías industriales de la Universidad de ExtremaduraEstudio de competencias genéricas

  1. Prieto Muriel, Ana Paloma
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Manuel Reyes Rodríguez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 21 July 2017

  1. José Luis Canito Lobo Chair
  2. Norena Martín Dorta Secretary
  3. Alberto Domingo Cabo Committee member

Type: Thesis


This research focuses on the current BIM (building information modeling) methodology and its increasingly widespread use in the construction industry. If BIM is defined; Construction information modeling, as a working methodology, in which all the actors involved in the development of a project, from its writing through construction and finally the maintenance of the project, count With the same information that is stored in a database, and that is updated automatically in any modification that occurs. Therefore, all participants in the construction have coherent information about the project. The main objective of this research rests on the need to implement the BIM methodology in university studies. To this end, a series of studies will be analyzed in different countries where these practices have already been done and have reflected the results of these practices. This way, a series of basic competences that are required to the future professionals is selected and it is analyzed how BIM favors the acquisition of basic competences by the students. It will also be done, based on the existing bibliography the way in which BIM is being taught in different universities, at international level.