Criterios e instrumento para la valoración del modelo de Guía docente de la Universidad de La Laguna

  1. Pedro R. Álvarez-Pérez
  2. Olga González Morales
  3. David López-Aguilar
  4. M.ª Pilar Peláez Alba
  5. Rocío Peña Vázquez
De la innovación imaginada a los procesos de cambio
  1. Ana Vega Navarro (coord.)
  2. David Stendardi (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de La Laguna

ISBN: 978-84-15939-62-7

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 239-256

Type: Book chapter


The teaching guide is a basic element in higher education, which must be adapted to the requirements indicated by the regulations and also serve as an important resource in the learning process of students. Although all the subjects of the degrees have a teaching guide that can be accessed by the students, the diversity of criteria adopted when preparing them varies substantially from one to the other. In this way, you can find teaching guides designed and thought to constitute an important tool for the learning of students and others whose degree of development is very basic and contribute little to the training process. In order to assess the extent to which the teaching guides conform to the institutional regulations and the requirements of the EHEA training model, an instrument has been designed that includes a series of criteria to evaluate this teaching resource. Different organs of the University (Departments, Quality Commissions, Inspection, etc.) have the responsibility of making a diagnosis and evaluation of the teaching guides, to determine if they meet the requirements established by the different regulations. The work carried out aims to cover this need, since there are no appropriate instruments to carry out these procedures for reviewing the teaching guides.