Antimicrobial terpenoids from the oleoresin of the Peruvian medicinal plant Copaifera paupera

  1. Tincusi, B.M.
  2. Jiménez, I.A.
  3. Bazzocchi, I.L.
  4. Moujir, L.M.
  5. Mamani, Z.A.
  6. Barroso, J.P.
  7. Ravelo, A.G.
  8. Hernández, B.V.
Planta Medica

ISSN: 0032-0943

Année de publication: 2002

Volumen: 68

Número: 9

Pages: 808-812

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1055/S-2002-34399 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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