Dielectric Properties and Thermal Decomposition of K2Ni(SO4)2 Crystals

  1. Marzougui, H.
  2. Sánchez, V.
  3. León-Luis, S.F.
  4. Lozano-Gorrín, A.D.
  5. Lalla, E.
  6. Torres, M.E.
  7. Attia-Essaies, S.
  8. Ben Hassen-Chehimi, D.
Journal of Electronic Materials

ISSN: 0361-5235

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 45

Issue: 11

Pages: 5839-5846

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S11664-016-4774-0 GOOGLE SCHOLAR