Vídeos de prácticas de Química como herramientas de autoaprendizaje en carreras técnicas

  1. Añorbe Díaz, Beatriz
  2. Carrau Mellado, Reyes
Innovación docente para convencidos. VI Jornadas de innovación docente [Recurso electrónico]
  1. Vega Navarro, Ana (coord.)
  2. O'Dwyer Acosta, Jacqueline Ann (coord.)
  3. Jiménez Abizanda, Ana Isabel (pr.)

Publisher: Universidad de La Laguna

ISBN: 978-84-617-6450-1

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 23-34

Congress: Universidad de La Laguna. Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la ULL (6. 2015. La Laguna)

Type: Conference paper


There is a number of challenges associated with the teaching of Chemistry in engineering. On one hand, the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) promotes self-learning among students to encourage their permanent instruction (longlife learning), and developing their skills, competencies, and the acquisition of knowledge. On the other hand, the weak background of first year undergraduate students; many of them did not study chemistry at high school nor worked in laboratories before. In addition, a large number of students is not adequately trained before starting laboratory practices. To minimize these difficulties we analyze in this paper engineering students� perception of Chemistry practices by collecting their perceptions by using anonymous questionnaires. Our main goal was improving their preparation prior laboratory practices. We filmed some of the experiments that they had to perform and distributed the resulting videos among the students. We found that almost all the students (85%) watched the videos before having their laboratory practices. This surpasses the number of students who read the scripts (59%). In fact, they requested extending the video collection to more lab practices. In our experience the videos had a double effect: improved the students� self learning skills and enhanced their interest in experimental work.