Género, ejercicio físico y salud en personas mayores

  1. Matud Aznar, María Pilar
  2. López Curbelo, Marisela
  3. García Pérez, Livia
Inteligencia Emocional y Bienestar II: reflexiones, experiencias profesionales e investigaciones
  1. Soler Nages, José Luis (coord.)
  2. Aparicio Moreno, Lucía (coord.)
  3. Díaz Chica, Oscar (coord.)
  4. Escolano Pérez, Elena (coord.)
  5. Rodríguez Martínez, Ana (coord.)

Publisher: Ediciones Universidad de San Jorge

ISBN: 978-84-608-4847-9

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 598-611

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Emocional y Bienestar (2. 2015. Zaragoza)

Type: Conference paper


We analyze the relevance of gender in physical activity in the elderly, studying the association between physical activity with health and life satisfaction. The sample consists of 365 general population people aged between 60 and 94 years. 41.7% of men and 48.9% of women was found not doing physical activity. The weekly average of physical activity was 3.25 hours in men (DT = 3.89) and of 2.68 in women (DT = 3.47), differences which were not statistically significant, t(363) = 1.43, p =. 15. In both genders, the physical activity was associated with better self-reported health and satisfaction with life. In addition, in men physical activity was associated with depressive symptoms and anxiety and insomnia, and in women with lower somatic symptoms and less consumption of drugs. It is concluded the relevance of physical activity on health and life satisfaction in the elderly