Eliminando barrerasapoyo para alumnado con deficiencias visuales a través de impresión 3D de material didáctico específico de alto contenido visual

  1. Stephany Hess Medler
  2. Moisés Betancor Montesinos
  3. Virginia Gutiérrez Rodríguez
De la innovación imaginada a los procesos de cambio
  1. Ana Vega Navarro (coord.)
  2. David Stendardi (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de La Laguna

ISBN: 978-84-15939-62-7

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 273-278

Type: Book chapter


Sometimes we have students with severe visual deficiencies attending our Psychology and Logopedy studies. Both have subjects with high visual contents. Specifically the subjects concerning Methods and Data Analysis require visualization of contents that otherwise would be difficult to apprehend. Teaching probability, percentiles, quartiles, etc., leans on multitude of graphic material in order to bring closer the contents and competences the students have to acquire. To be able to print those contents in 3D would be a great aid to remove some of the barriers due to visual deficiencies. These students will be able to use their sense of touch to discover the forms presented to them and develop the related competences. A complementary aim is to train the participating teachers in the use of 3D soft- and hardware, so that they could adapt material to new didactic needs. We use several open 3D design and print software, as well as an open sourced 3D printer.