Aspectos internos y externos de la racionalidad¿cuáles son los umbrales de la racinalidad exigible y cómo situarlos?

  1. Darías Martín, María Isabel
  2. Pérez Chico, David
  3. Liz, Manuel
  4. López Florido, Germán
  5. Fernández Cabrera, Nuria
  6. Pérez Torres, Lorenzo

ISSN: 0212-6192

Year of publication: 1997

Issue: 29-30

Pages: 153-178

Type: Article

More publications in: Contextos


In this paper, we defend the need to take into account the context in the analysis of rationality. First of all, we will review Cherniak's proposal about a minimal rationality in contrast with the ideal, maximal rationality actually required in many fields (classical decision theory, economics, epistemology, and so on). Secondly, we will argue in favour of the intervention of the context in order to determine the thresholds of rationality which are exigible to the subjects. We will conclude that when asking how much rationality is exigible, we should not just ask "For which subject?" but also, and crucially, "In which context?".