Ansiedad de evaluacióncorrelatos psicológicos, conductuales y biológicos
- Gutiérrez Calvo, Manuel
- Avero Delgado, Pedro Benito
- Jiménez Sosa, Alejandro
- 1 Universida de La Laguna
ISSN: 1134-7937
Year of publication: 1997
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Pages: 61-75
Type: Article
More publications in: Ansiedad y estrés
Self-report and objective measures of psychological, behavioral and biological characteristics were collected, in order to examine the nature of test anxiety. In multiple regression analyses, test anxiety was associated (a) with self-reported psychological maladjustment and psychosomatic disorders, but not with actual capacity and skills, cardiovascular fitness, or biochemical parameters of health; (b) under stress, it was associated with elevations in self-reported distress, and heart rate during anticipation of evaluation (but not during the tasks), and there were no differences in behavioral tension. It is concluded that there are no behavioral deficits or biological dysfunctions in test anxiety. The most important component seems a cognitive bias to self-focus on internal sources of information, and to endorse them a threat-related interpretation.
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