El papel de la vinculación y posición interpersonales en la comprensión de episodios de conducta narradosuna propuesta basada en estructuras de conocimiento propositivas

  1. Espino Morales, Orlando
  2. Castillo Villar, María Dolores
  3. Marrero Hernández, Hipólito
  4. Gámez Armas, Elena

ISSN: 0214-3550

Année de publication: 1995

Volumen: 7

Número: 1

Pages: 19-50

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1174/021435595321250490 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

D'autres publications dans: Cognitiva


In this paper, we have proposed two knowledge structures: the Schemata of Interpersonal Bond and Interpersonal Position. Both are content-specif of the interpersonal domain, and are oriented to actions which are connected to basic interpersonal goals. Up to a point they are primitive. Specifically, we have studied the role of these schemata in the comprehension of narratives about interpersonal events. In the first experiment we investigated whether the schemtata could activate an expectation about interpersonal actions. Likewise, we investigated whether this expectation was different from others activated by the context of the episode or by the kind of relationships between the characters. In the second and third experiments, we studied the capacity of the schemata such as inferencial mechanism of episodic interpersonal goals. Interpersonal actions are guided by these goals and this feature establishes the capacity of anticipation of these schemata. In general the results of the experiments we present here support the funcionality of the schemata proposed in the research on interpersonal cognition in general, and on narratives about interpersonal events in particular