Pero ¿cómo te ha dado por leer traducciones? Algunas consideraciones sobre el estudio de la literatura traducida

  1. Toledano Buendía, Carmen
  2. Pérez Quintero, María Jesús
Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna

ISSN: 0212-4130

Year of publication: 2002

Issue: 20

Pages: 263-276

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna


In the last three decades, translation —specifically literary translation— after being conceived as a mere copy, a second rate product, result of a mechanical exercise of linguistic transfer, is now being taken up as an autonomous text conditioned by and incorporated within a set of aesthetic and cultural parameters different from the original one. This change of focus is due, among other reasons, to the development of translation studies from prescriptive approaches to empirical and target-oriented ones. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of these descriptive studies in the evolution of the notion of translation. Likewise we will be examining the role that translation has played in the articulation of target cultures and try to point out its basic functions throughout history.