Análisis estructural y funcional del vóley-playa: orientaciones para la interpretación de la acción de juego

  1. Luis Rodríguez, José Gregorio
  2. Jiménez Jiménez, Francisco
  3. Hernández Sánchez, Ángeles Judith

ISSN: 1989-2837

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 9

Pages: 16-36

Type: Article

More publications in: Acciónmotriz


Beach volleyball is a sport in which the coach, at competitive situation, cannot transmit instructions to his players to guide their game action. Therefore, it is very important they know the internal logic of the sport, to manage with autonomy, strategic responses to the various situations of the game. This study identifies and analyzes the structural and functional elements that characterize the internal logic of beach volleyball. The aim of this study is the sport itself, therefore. The analysis of its internal logic has been tackled through a structural method that allows us to identify the relevant elements and their relationships to interpret the determining factors of the game action. To develop this analysis, on the one hand, it has been used a specific instrument (praxeological analysis card) proposed by Hernández Moreno et al. (2007), and, on the other hand, the structural and functional indicators proposed by Navarro and Jiménez Jiménez (1998, 1999) for the study of the strategic behaviour in sports games. The results of this analysis provide relevant information to identify the various aspects to be considered, both in analysis and interpretation of the game action, as in the identification and organization of the contents for teaching and training of this sport.