Trasgresiones corporales, Rituales de Belleza y Seres Posthumanos

  1. Barreto Vargas, Carmen Marina
Revista Atlántida: Revista Canaria de Ciencias Sociales

ISSN: 2171-4924

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 3

Pages: 17-34

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Atlántida: Revista Canaria de Ciencias Sociales


Never before has man had such a clear and direct opportunity to transform itself into another person. Through the exchange of sex, plastic surgery, implantation of organs or prostheses can achieve entirely transform your body, abolishing what we believe are weaknesses and imperfections body. The body will thus become a reservoir of spare parts and tissues used in turn in other bodies, where it would be difficult even to talk about body ownership. The copyright body would in any event, Multiple, adulterated and contaminated. Not talking about science fiction and produced by Hollywood. It would rather, as Haraway does, to display cyber agencies, which embody a future open to differences, which can not be denied or suppressed easily, without fuss and to accept the possibility of ambiguities regarding the union between body and technology, between nature and culture, and between science fiction and social reality. This would be the inauguration of the post-human to what other people are no longer practices and discourses of doctors, athletes, artists, scientists or anthropologists themselves.

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