Diferencias de género en el contenido icónico de los periódicos

  1. Rodríguez Wangüemert, Carmen
  2. Matud Aznar, María Pilar
  3. Espinosa Morales, Inmaculada
Questiones publicitarias: revista internacional de comunicación y publicidad

ISSN: 1133-6870 1988-8732

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 17

Pages: 110-121

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5565/REV/QP.57 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Questiones publicitarias: revista internacional de comunicación y publicidad


The aim of this quantitative content analysis was to examine gender-related portrayals in images of newspapers. A total of 1520 photos and advertising published in a general Spanish newspaper were analyzed. Results showed that men were the protagonist of 65.6% of the photos and women of only 15.3. Men were the principal character in 37.7% of advertising and women only in the 29%. Furthermore, it was most common photos and ads starring men were located in the Sports section and Economy of the newspaper

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