Notas a los relatos de Poelas piezas góticas

  1. Castillo Martín, Francisco Javier
Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna

ISSN: 0212-4130

Datum der Publikation: 2010

Nummer: 28

Seiten: 11-30

Art: Artikel

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The richness of Poe’s fiction lies in his ability to navigate multiple fields successfully, reflect diverse narrative tones and styles, and take the reader to an unsuspected literary experience. There is a Poe that places us in paradisiacal landscapes, ethically and aesthetically as far as possible from the urban medium. In other pieces there is a Poe that allows ample room for smile, laughter, mockery, satire and criticism. There is also a Poe that reflects upon the political reality of his country and the collective journey of the men and women of his time, and equally likes a kind of fiction plentiful in intrigue and entertainment, where the capacity for analysis and perception reign supreme. On this particular occasion, we examine his gothic tales, which have exerted an appreciable influence not only in the literary field, but also in other artistic manifestations. The attention is focused here on themes, settings and atmospheres, characters and formal features.

Bibliographische Referenzen

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  • CASTILLO, Francisco Javier (1991c): «Espacios, ambientes y personajes poeianos», Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna 10: 51-67.
  • CASTILLO, Francisco Javier (1992): «En torno a una concepción estética unitaria: los presupuestos teóricos de Edgar Allan Poe sobre el hecho literario», Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna 11: 33-54.
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