Diferencias transculturales en bienestar subjetivoMéxico y España

  1. Carballeira Abella, Mónica
  2. González, José Angel
  3. Marrero Quevedo, Rosario Josefa
Anales de psicología

ISSN: 0212-9728 1695-2294

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 31

Issue: 1

Pages: 199-206

Type: Article


More publications in: Anales de psicología


The objective of this study was to analyse the differences in sub-jective well-being in 346 undergraduate students, from two cultures: one collectivist (Mexico) and one individualist (Spain). Global Subjective Well-being was assessed through the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Subjective Happiness Scale, the PANAS scales, and also the satisfaction with four specific life domains: affective relations, studies, health and leisure were considered. The analyses have shown higher levels in all the indicators of subjective well-being for Mexican students. The regression analyses re-vealed the importance of sentimental and studies satisfaction for happiness and life satisfaction in both cultures. Also, health satisfaction for Mexicans, and leisure satisfaction for Spanish influenced global measures of subjec-tive well-being. The findings supported the differential effect of culture on subjective well-being, especially in its prediction through the satisfaction with certain specific life domains

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