A la caza del error.La destrucción de la imagen digital como práctica de creación

  1. Tania Castellano San Jacinto
Fedro: revista de estética y teoría de las artes

ISSN: 1697-8072

Année de publication: 2016

Número: 16

Pages: 1-16

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Fedro: revista de estética y teoría de las artes


The 'glitch' phenomenon appeared in the last decades of the 20th century, accidentally corrupting the digital image. The glitch was adopted at the time by several art practices belonging to both the aural and the visual context. Even though in the beginning it transformed the audio-visual matter in a disturbing way, being used in a sphere of art that was actively subversive, it finally ended up as part of a much more generalised aesthetic, with the public gradually becoming used to its reception. In this article different standpoints about glitch reception are analysed and its forms of production are studied: those based on the exclusively accidental, on provoked error and on error applied as effect. Finally, current possibilities for its practice are questioned, in what has already been defined as “Post-glitch” art practice.

Références bibliographiques

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