¿Cómo crees que te ven?imagen de la enfermería percibida por profesionales y usuarios

  1. Virginia García Moreno
  2. Pedro Ruymán Brito Brito
  3. Domingo Ángel Fernández Gutiérrez
  4. Begoña Reyero Ortega
  5. Cristina Ruiznavarro Menéndez
ENE Revista de Enfermería

ISSN: 1988-348X

Any de publicació: 2015

Número: 9

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.4321/S1988-348X2015000300017 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccés obert editor

Altres publicacions en: ENE Revista de Enfermería


There is a problem of invisibility of care experienced by nurses. The gradual process of nursing professionalization today is not properly presented to users of our health care services. Nursing social image today is configured by mass media proyections. There are different professional movements fighting against this. Objective: to describe how to value different aspects of the nurse discipline from two different perspectives: the professional one and the user one. Method: Descriptive, observational analytical study. 1) Google survey form filled online by nurses nation wide with eight points ahere they have to rate how they believe the population qualifies them. 2) One survey designed to be completed by patients attending Mercedes Laguna health care center (Tenerife) with the same points to be assessed by nurses. Positive weight 1 to 10 in both. Professional Variables included are: sex, age, Autonomous Community and professional field; user's variables are: sex, age, nursing consultations' annual frequency and reference nurse identification. Data collection: March-November -2014 and 2015. Nominal variables summarized by categories and frequency of the scale, with mean and standard deviation. Bivariate analysis with Pearson correlation test, Student t test and one-way ANOVA. Tailed tests, alpha significance level 0.05; SPSS v.21. Results: Nurses: 38.4(10.8) years on average, 68.8% women; patients: 54(18.6) years on average, 54.5% women. p <0.05 in the score given by professionals and patients in all respects but "social prestige". Discussion-conclusion: Modesty?., chronic low self-esteem?. Judgments have been passed with descriptive fact considerations and social and community perceptions in this study. In the absence of further confirmatory studies, population value nurses better than they themselves believe to be valued.

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