La residencialidad¿la alternativa a la oferta alojativa extrahotelera de Canarias?

  1. Moisés R. Simancas Cruz
  2. Juan Israel García Cruz
Turismo: Revista de Estudios de Turismo de Canarias y Macaronesia

ISSN: 1889-0326

Année de publication: 2015

Titre de la publication: Ángel Oliva Cabeza

Número: 3-4

Pages: 13-21

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Turismo: Revista de Estudios de Turismo de Canarias y Macaronesia


The current regulatory framework for land management policy of tourism in the Canary Islands establishes the need to limit residential uses in the tourist areas. However, the residential use —permanent or temporary (short, medium and long stay) for pleasure— is establishing itself as a basic element of the spatial structure of the tourist areas. The main purpose of this paper is to systematize the different types the residential processes, proceeding to the analysis of the circumstances giving rise to them.