Effects of heat stress on reproductive efficiency of high yielding Holstein cows in a hot-arid environment

  1. Miguel Mellado
  2. Edgar Sepulveda
  3. Cesar Meza-Herrera
  4. Francisco G Veliz
  5. Jose R Arevalo
  6. Jesus Mellado
  7. Angeles De Santiago
Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias

ISSN: 0120-0690

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 26

Issue: 3

Pages: 193-200

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias


Background: high environmental temperature coupled with high humidity can result in reproductive failure in dairy cattle, with a drastic reduction in reproductive efficiency of dairy herds. Objective: to study the effect of high environmental temperature on reproduction performance of Holstein cows treated with recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) throughout lactation in an arid environment. Methods: reproductive variables (n=18,037 services) from a large dairy herd were evaluated with respect to the maximum temperaturehumidity index (THI) prior to breeding, on the breeding day, and after breeding. The GENMOD procedure of SAS was used to assess the effect of THI and month of breeding on pregnancy by artificial insemination (P/AI). Results: increased THI from ≤ 70 to ≥ 95 units was associated with a decrease in P/AI from 47% to 26%. P/AI for cows inseminated on extremely hot days (THI= 85 to 90) preceded by cooler temperatures was six percent points higher than cows subjected to high temperatures before breeding. P/AI was higher (p<0.05) from January to March (39% to 41%) compared with the rest of the year (27% to 35%). The average number of inseminations per pregnancy was higher (p<0.05) from May to July (3.0 to 3.4) compared to other months (2.1 to 3.0). Conclusions: in this particular hot-arid environment (maximum temperature >38 ºC most of the year, and 230 mm mean annual rainfall), heat stress shortly before or after breeding severely compromises the breeding success of high yielding Holstein cows.

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