Diferencias de género en la reputación social y el rechazo entre iguales en la escuela

  1. Eduardo Martín 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguan
Culture and Education, Cultura y Educación

ISSN: 1135-6405 1578-4118

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 28

Issue: 3

Pages: 551-564

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2016.1196899 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: Culture and Education, Cultura y Educación


The objectives of this study are twofold: to see if gender differences in social reputation remain stable throughout schooling, and to analyse behavioural differences between boys and girls with rejected status. A sociometric test was carried out and the Allocation of Perceptive Attributes Method was applied to a sample of 777 students in the mid-cycle and upper-cycle of primary education (years three to six) and the first cycle of CSE (Compulsory Secondary Education). The results show that differences in social reputation remain stable throughout schooling, with the exception of a few trends. We also find that rejection in boys is characterized by behavioural attributes, while characteristics associated with rejection in girls seem to be more subtle. It is concluded that gender ought to be taken into account in the design and implementation of intervention programmes aimed at improving the social integration of students.

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