Un acercamiento al enfoque interseccional de las opresionesliberar los monstruos que intersectan

  1. Hernández Domínguez, Myriam
Ciencia, Técnica y Mainstreaming Social

ISSN: 2530-7924

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 2

Pages: 19-28

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4995/CITECMA.2018.8799 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Ciencia, Técnica y Mainstreaming Social


The relevance of intersectionality in gender studies seems to need to be accentuated in a context of neoliberal ode, the rise of fascism and its racist, sexist, xenophobic, classist or hetero-normative consequences. In this context, recover reference texts in the studies Intersectional feminists are key tools to understand it, also to free the look at the emerging issues and bindings with ecology, economics or war. In this sense, Gloria Anzaldúa, Iris Marion Young, Nancy Fraser, Uma Narayan or Judith Butler are the keystone to draw a scheme that will flourish a critical and defiant look with the different oppressions.The purpose of this article is to analyze the different links between intersections in order to not only give light to the thinking of these authors, but also to make them flow into a critical reflection.

Bibliographic References

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