Narrativas islamofóbicas y series de animación para adultosuna tiranía de lo visual
ISSN: 0719-1529, 0716-3991
Datum der Publikation: 2018
Titel der Ausgabe: Ficciones Televisivas Contemporáneas
Nummer: 37
Seiten: 119-130
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Revista Comunicación y Medios
In the present work three series of animation for adults will be examined in emission still in Spain: The Simpson, American dad! and Family Guy. Your gratuitousness, your accessible and “comical” language, and your attractive format allowed to million television viewers to approach not daily realities as can be the case of the persons’ representation of other cultural contexts. From of the Cultural Studies that privilege an ideological reading of the culture, have been selected episodes of Arabic-Islamic subject, with the intention of examining some of the narratives islamophobics more generalized in the Arabic-Islamic culture.