Study of the critical success factors of emblematic hotels through the analysis of content of online opinionsthe case of the Spanish tourist paradors

  1. Fuentes-Medina, M. Lilibeth 1
  2. Hernández-Estárico, Estefanía 1
  3. Morini-Marrero, Sandra 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna, España
European journal of management and business economics

ISSN: 2444-8494 2444-8451

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: New frontiers in tourism: destinations, resources, and managerial perspectives

Volume: 27

Issue: 1

Pages: 42-65

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1108/EJMBE-11-2017-0052 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: European journal of management and business economics


The purpose of this paper is to identify the critical success factors of emblematic hotels from the perspective of the guest, by analysing the direct activities that make up the value chain of these types of establishments. The authors use the case study methodology to derive conclusions that contribute to the development of a theory about the success factors of emblematic hotels. The case selected is the Spanish Tourist Parador chain. The authors carried out over a period of two years a data mining analysis of the online comments posted by its guests. The results indicate that the attributes of location and facilities are critical success factors expected a priori given the nature of the business of such establishments, based on the singular nature of the buildings. Another critical success factor is personnel, which seems to indicate that the Paradors support their business model by employing highly qualified staff, but give less attention to restaurant services or the room, according to guest perceptions.The paper provides required evidence on the critical success factors of emblematic hotels adapting Porter’s value chain, for the tourism accommodation sector, through the analysis of direct value chain activities. In addition, the existing literature is broadened by taking a perspective scarcely studied, the guest perception of hotel establishments, online content posted by the user on the establishment’s website, rather than simply considering the traditional views of the experts/managers, through structures questionnaires. Besides, the results provide practical and useful implications for the managements of the emblematic hotels under study

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