Osteoblastic proliferation in bone biopsies from patients with end- stage chronic renal failure

  1. Serrano, S.
  2. Marinoso, M.L.
  3. Torres, A.
  4. Lorenzo, V.
  5. Keysers, U.
  6. Lloreta, J.
  7. Nacher, M.
  8. Garcia, C.
  9. Ballester, J.
  10. Diez, A.
  11. Aubia, J.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

ISSN: 0884-0431

Année de publication: 1997

Volumen: 12

Número: 2

Pages: 191-199

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1359/JBMR.1997.12.2.191 GOOGLE SCHOLAR