Analysis of the measurement of moisture within previously wet gypsum sample in relation to the measured temperature on its surface using infrared thermography
- José Manuel Alonso López 1
- Francisco Javier Gutiérrez García 1
- Sergio González Díaz
- Marcos Frías García 1
- Eduardo González Díaz 1
Universidad de La Laguna
Éditorial: Magna Congresos S.L
ISBN: 978-84-09-03294-5
Année de publication: 2017
Type: Communication dans un congrès
The available moisture at a material surface hasbeen identified as most relevant to fungal growth.Infrared thermography is a non-destructive testingtechnology that can be applied to determinevariations in a material’s surface moisture. As waterevaporation is an endothermic reaction, whichinduce local surface cooling, the measure of thesuperficial temperature during evaporation processcan be used to detect the presence of moisture.Therefore, infrared thermography can provideinsight on those conditions that could lead to fungalproliferation. This research presents a laboratorytest, which compare the thermal images obtainedduring the drying process of a gypsum specimenwith respect to the thermal images of other gypsumspecimen without pre-wetting, which was used as areference. The temperature values obtained with thethermal imaging camera were also compared withthe temperature values measured by a device withtwo channels: in-situ probe inside the gypsum andambient probe. The results show that a relationshipexist between the moisture measured by the probeinside the gypsum specimen and the image of thewater level detected thermographically.
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