El patrimonio escultórico en el aula. Tecnologías avanzadas de bajo coste para introducir el modelado 3D y la impresión 3D

  1. Cecile Meier 1
  2. Jose Luis Saorin 1
  3. Jorge de La Torre Cantero 1
  4. Dámari Melian 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna

    Universidad de La Laguna

    San Cristobal de La Laguna, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01r9z8p25

Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Competitividad (CINAIC 2015). Madrid.

Publisher: Editorial CINAIC

ISBN: 978-84-608-2907-2.

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 34-39

Type: Conference paper


Since 1972 UNESCO has been highlighting the importance of increasing the respect and appreciation of cultural heritage through education. There are now several low cost technologies available which assist in enabling new strategies in the teaching of sculptural heritage. This article is describing a book which has been produced at the University of La Laguna. The book presents a series of activities which are designed to introduce sculptural heritage into the class room using accessible technologies in an education centre. The technologies used are digital tablets, computers and 3D printers. It also presents other activities which were physical play-based in which technology was used indirectly. In order to assess these technologies, there has been an initial opinion poll undertaken with a group of students from the Master de Formación de Profesorado de la Universidad de la Laguna.

Bibliographic References

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