Values of Travel Time for Recreational Trips under Different Behavioural Rules
- Marrero, Ángel Simón 1
- Román, Concepción 23
- González, Rosa Marina 1
Universidad de La Laguna
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España
North-West University
Year of publication: 2021
Volume: 13
Issue: 12
Type: Article
In this study, discrete choice models that combine different behavioural rules are estimatedto study the visitors’ preferences in relation to their travel mode choices to access a national park.Using a revealed preference survey conducted on visitors of Teide National Park (Tenerife, Spain),we present a hybrid model specification—with random parameters—in which we assume thatsome attributes are evaluated by the individuals under conventional random utility maximization(RUM) rules, whereas others are evaluated under random regret minimization (RRM) rules. We thencompare the results obtained using exclusively a conventional RUM approach to those obtained usingboth RUM and RRM approaches, derive monetary valuations of the different components of traveltime and calculate direct elasticity measures. Our results provide useful instruments to evaluatepolicies that promote the use of more sustainable modes of transport in natural sites. Such policiesshould be considered as priorities in many national parks, where negative transport externalitiessuch as traffic congestion, pollution, noise and accidents are causing problems that jeopardize notonly the sustainability of the sites, but also the quality of the visit.
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