Obesidad y sobrepeso: conceptualización e intervención desde la enfermería en España

  1. José M. Ramos-Pino
  2. Mónica Carballeira-Abella
ENE Revista de Enfermería

ISSN: 1988-348X

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 15

Type: Article

More publications in: ENE Revista de Enfermería


Overweight and obesity cause many of the health problems in humans. Nursing professionals offer healthy lifestyles to adjust weight. Through a survey to nursing professionals in Spain, characteristics of training, work, conceptualizations of obesity and overweight, and practices on interventions focused on this problem were analyzed. The findings reported that there is little specific training on obesity; the use of Clinical Practice Guidelines is very low; the cause of obesity is mostly attributable to environmental factors and the age of the professional was the variable that showed the most significant associations with the rest of the variables.

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