Competencias interculturales emancipadoras para una intervención socioeducativa transformadora

  1. María José Aguilar Idáñez 1
  2. Daniel Buraschi 1
  1. 1 Instituto Internacional de Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas (IICSA)
Quaderns d'animació i educació social

ISSN: 1698-4404

Año de publicación: 2023

Número: 38

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Quaderns d'animació i educació social


The article discusses the importance of intercultural competences in multicultural contexts and the problematic elements of the different methodological proposals that have been developed in the last decades. It is argued that, if the proposals for the development of intercultural competences have as their objective only "intercultural effectiveness" and the achievement of certain goals in multicultural contexts without taking into account the asymmetry of power that exists in society and the need to transform the structures that generate inequality, then they can reproduce relations of domination and are functional to an unjust system. Faced with the limits of traditional approaches, a proposal of emancipatory intercultural competences is developed, understood as a set of knowledge, attitudes and skills that allow us to work with migrants and racialized people promoting their emancipation. Emancipatory intercultural competencies imply a process of personal, organizational, institutional and social transformation that requires becoming aware of the asymmetry of power that exists in relations between different groups, critically reflecting on the dominant intervention models, committing to institutional change 'interculturalizing ' organizations, and promote social transformation by supporting the leadership of migrants and people of color in their struggle for recognition and the effective exercise of rights. The text delves into five dimensions of emancipatory intercultural competencies: reflexivity, understanding of other frames of reference, intercultural sensitivity, critical intercultural communication, and creative conflict management. In addition, some methodological and operational guidelines are proposed to develop these five competencies.

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