Juan Carlos
Santamarta Cerezal
Associate Professor

Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Florin Ioras (24)
Leisure Boating Environmental Footprint: A Study of Leisure Marinas in Palermo, Italy
Sustainability, Vol. 15, Núm. 1, pp. 182
Carbon Neutral Management in Sport Marinas
Universidad de La Laguna
Higher education focused on port management in Europe
12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Dates (6-7 July, 2020)
INCAMP: master’s degree in the carbon neutral management of sport marinas
EDULEARN20 Proceedings, 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Develop of a e-learning graduate programme in management of sustainable and ecological tourism, in order to get a change in tourist strategies for natural areas conservation
ICERI2016 Proceedings: : Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (9th.2016. Sevilla)
Erasmus actions for the European environment
International Technology, Education and Development Conference: INTED2015 Proceedings (9º.2015. Madrid)
Importance of internships in technical studies related to the environment
International Technology, Education and Development Conference: INTED2015 Proceedings (9º.2015. Madrid)
University Studies and Professional Skills in the Field of Integrated Water Resources Management: the Case of Spain
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 191, pp. 2747-2752
Application of teaching techniques in the msc programme in climate change and restoration of degraded land
International Technology, Education and Development Conference: INTED2014 Proceedings (8th. 2014. Valencia)
Climate change and restoration of degraded land
Colegio de Ingenieros de Montes
Comparative study on teaching methods for environmental courses
International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation: ICERI2014 Proceedings (7th.2014. Sevilla)
Development and management of environmental e-learning master programmes under lifelong learning framework
International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation: ICERI2014 Proceedings (7 th.2014. Sevilla)
International MSC programmes for environmental and forestry purposes in Erasmus multilateral projects
International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies: EDULEARN14 Proceedings (6th.2014.Barcelona)
Defining key competences for a master program on climate change and restoration of degraded land
ICERI2013 Proceedings 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Seville, Spain 18-20 November, 2013
Development of msc programmes under the erasmus multilateral projects
International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies:EDULEARN13 Proceedings (5th.2013. Barcelona)
Evaluation of a web-based portal for knowhow dissemination from academia to industry: lessons learned from an online instructional design and technology program
International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation:ICERI2013 Proceedings (6th.2013. Sevilla)
Innovative teaching methods and strate-gies in civil, hydrology and geological en-gineering in volcanic subjects
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBET-2013)
On-line interactive digital resources for soil and rock mechanics lab practices teachingand learning on Erasmus Mun-dus MastersProgrammes
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBET-2013)
Specialized training in environmental security, climate change and land restoration. Masters Erasmus, Europe lifelong learning programme
Environmental security, geological hazards and management: Proceedings from the 1st International Workshop, San Cristobal de La Laguna, Tenerife (Canary Islands), Spain, 10-12 April 2013 (Universidad de La Laguna), pp. 99-104
Specialized training through European Masters on environmental management and its risks and threats: Innovative teaching strategies and methodologies
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBET 2013)