Juan Carlos
Santamarta Cerezal
Associate Professor

University of West Hungary
Sopron, HungríaPublications in collaboration with researchers from University of West Hungary (6)
Erasmus actions for the European environment
International Technology, Education and Development Conference: INTED2015 Proceedings (9º.2015. Madrid)
Comparative study on teaching methods for environmental courses
International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation: ICERI2014 Proceedings (7th.2014. Sevilla)
Defining key competences for a master program on climate change and restoration of degraded land
ICERI2013 Proceedings 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Seville, Spain 18-20 November, 2013
Development of msc programmes under the erasmus multilateral projects
International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies:EDULEARN13 Proceedings (5th.2013. Barcelona)
Evaluation of a web-based portal for knowhow dissemination from academia to industry: lessons learned from an online instructional design and technology program
International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation:ICERI2013 Proceedings (6th.2013. Sevilla)
Development of a pan european e-learning msc degree in technology – enhanced forest fire fighting learning (matefl)
International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies: EDULEARN12 Proceedings (4th.2012.Barcelona)