Juan Carlos
Santamarta Cerezal
Associate Professor
Current projects
NATALIE. Accelerating and mainstreaming transformative NATure-bAsed solutions to enhance resiLIEence to climate
change for diverse bio-geographical European regions
Juan Carlos Santamarta Cerezal
GENESIS. Geologically Enhanced NaturE-based Solutions for climate change resiliency of critical water InfraStructure.
Juan Carlos Santamarta Cerezal
ARSINOE: Climate resilient-religions through systemic solutions and innovations.
Juan Carlos Santamarta Cerezal
Completed projects
EAPA_884/2018 - AGEO - Plataforma para la gestión de riesgos geológicos en el Atlántico
Juan Carlos Santamarta Cerezal
ProID2020010111. Análisis del efecto económico, social y medioambiental del uso de sistemas no convencionales de producción de agua vinculados sector turístico
Carmen Inés Ruiz de la Rosa