Patiño Llorente
Researcher in the period 2008-2021
Supervised Theses (2)
Mechanisms of speciation in bryophytes: evolutionary studies in the moss Funaria hygrometrica along environmental gradients 2021
Universidad de Murcia
de laCruz Martínez, Elena
Geography, genomics, and evolutionary success in an insular environment 2019
Universidad de La Laguna
Theses Committees (3)
Secretary of the Committee
Microbial biodiversity assessment of artificial microhabitats: examples from Egyptian archaeological sites 2021Universidad de Murcia
Mohamed Rizk, Samah
Secretary of the Committee
The moss genus Ceratodon: studies of evolutionary biology and taxonomy in Southern Europe 2019Universidad de Murcia
Nieto Lugilde, Marta
Secretary of the Committee
Respuesta de los briófitos a gradientes de elevación y alteración. Efectos de las perturbaciones que afectan a la laurisilva de las islas canarias / bryophytes response to elevation and disturbance gradients. Effects of anthropogenic disturbances on laurel forests of the canary islands 2018Universidad de La Laguna
Hernández Hernández, Raquel María