The lcdm model at small scalesMilky way satellites and cusp-core crisis

  1. Di Cintio , Arianna
Supervised by:
  1. Alexander Knebe Director
  2. Alessandro Melchiorri Co-director

Defence university: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 21 July 2014

  1. Rosa Domínguez Tenreiro Chair
  2. Stefan Gottloeber Secretary
  3. Antonio López Maroto Committee member
  4. Carlos Muñoz López Committee member
  5. Marco De Petris Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 378148 DIALNET


Cosmology-the study of the formation and ultimate fate of structures and galaxies throughout the Universe- is without a doubt one of the most exciting fields in astrophysics today. Over the last twenty years a picture has emerged in which contemporary structures (e.g. galaxies, galaxy groups and clusters, and the filamentary network in-between) have evolved by gravitational amplification of seed inhomogeneities that are likely of quantum origin and were produced shortly after the Big Bang. This picture ties together (observational) measurements of the cosmic background radiation, estimastes of the primordial abundances of the light elements measurements of the clustering of galaxies and, to a more limited extent, the characteristic properties of individual galaxies. (Parte del Informe del Dr. D. Alexander Knebe)