Novel procedures for the microstructural design of SOFC materials

  1. Ruiz-Morales, J.C.
  2. Savvin, S.N.
  3. Núñez, P.
  4. Peña-Martínez, J.
  5. Canales-Vásquez, J.
  6. Marrero-López, D.
  7. Roa, J.J.
  8. Segarra, M.
ECS Transactions

ISSN: 1938-5862 1938-6737

ISBN: 9781566777391

Year of publication: 2009

Volume: 25

Issue: 2 PART 1

Pages: 567-576

Type: Conference paper

DOI: 10.1149/1.3205568 GOOGLE SCHOLAR