La política educativa del gobierno de la revolución ciudadana (2007-2017) y la gobernanza corporativa de la educación de corte filantrópico

Supervised by:
  1. Jurjo Torres Santomé Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 05 June 2018

  1. Javier Marrero Acosta Chair
  2. Ana Sánchez-Bello Secretary
  3. Rosa María Vázquez Recio Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 557593 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor

Sustainable development goals


The present investigation allows us to infer that in Ecuador, during the government of the Citizen Revolution (2007-2017), a governance of public education based on the interaction between public agencies, the private sector and civil society is formed. A process of neo liberal regulatory experimentation that involves the educational policy of the political project of the Citizen Revolution that was born, precisely, as a post-neo liberal political proposa!. We argue that there is a cultural percolation on the part of the market (López Rey, 2006, p.60) in a completely foreign environment, such as public education, through endogenous and exogenous processes of privatization. But, aboye all, we detected privatization processes as a result of the strategic interaction of emerging actors, not necessarily educational ones, such as development banks, the country's main business families (through its economic groups and corporate foundations) as well as other fInancial organizations. the civil society that influence, act and press in the management and decision making in education from the capitalist charity. A kind of "philanthropic corporate governance" of public education is formed, despite finding strong social resistance and offering sorne limited containment (of privatization) by the political project of the Citizen Revolution, percolated, likewise, by the market matrix.