La Hidrocefalia Congénita. Consideraciones sobre las vías menores de producción y reabsorción del líquido cefalorraquídeo

  1. Castañeyra Ruiz, Leandro
  2. González Marrero, Ibrahim
  3. González Toledo, Juan M.
  4. Castañeyra Ruiz, María
  5. Paz Carmona, Héctor de
  6. Castañeyra Ruiz, Agustín
  7. Carmona Calero, Emilia María
  8. Castañeyra Perdomo, Agustín Lorenzo
Majorensis: Revista Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología

ISSN: 1697-5529

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 8

Pages: 14-20

Type: Article

More publications in: Majorensis: Revista Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología


Hydrocephalus is an active distension of the ventricular system due to a malfunction in any part of the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, either at the point of production, within the ventricles or at the point of absorption into the circulatory system. Hydrocephalus can itself be congenital or acquired. Congenital hydrocephalus is present at birth and may be caused by environmental influences during fetal development or genetic predisposition. Acquired hydrocephalus develops at the time of birth or at a later time. This type of hydrocephalus can affect people of all ages and be caused by injury or disease, infectious problems, parasitic, intraventricular hemorrhage and tumors. All hydrocephalus are classified according to the type of deficiency that exists in the cerebrospinal fluid circuit. One of the principal problem in this circuit regarding congenital hydrocephalus, is the fact that during embryogenesis, in infants and early childhood, this flow is not fully developed so that the "bulk flow model"proposed by Dandy and Blackfan, does not explain the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in these cases, especially in embryogenesis, where the functional development and dynamics of cerebrospinal fluid is almost completely unknown. It will be need a deeper knowledge of the cerebrospinal fluid circuit in the embryonic and fetal period to reach properly understand the pathophysiology of congenital hydrocephalus.