Variaciones del sistema angiotensina-vasopresina hipotalámico ante hipertensión arterial y su tratamiento con captopril
- González Marrero, Ibrahim
- Castañeyra Ruiz, Leandro
- Paz Carmona, Héctor de
- Castañeyra Ruiz, Agustín
- González Toledo, Juan M.
- Carmona Calero, Emilia María
ISSN: 1697-5529
Year of publication: 2008
Issue: 4
Pages: 15-18
Type: Article
More publications in: Majorensis: Revista Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología
The paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN) and supraoptic nucleus (SOP) are two brain structures closely related with hypothalamic-hypophyseal axis and play an important roll in the cardiovascular regulation and of the salt-water balance mechanism. The hormone vasopressin, well known for its pressor and antidiuretic effects, is primarily synthesized in the magnocellular neurons of the PVN and other hypothalamic structures. We have used male rat of ten week old divided in four groups: a control group formed by five WKY rats, a control treated group formed by five WKY rats treated with captopril, a hypertensive group formed by five SHR rats and a hypertensive treated group formed by five SHR rats treated with captopril. For immunohistochemical study a primary antibody anti-vasopressin (VAS) was used. We have found immunoreactive material for anti-VAS in neurons and fibres of the nuclei supraoptic and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei. In the control group the reaction was strongly positive for the vasopressin and in the hypertensive group the immunohistochemical reaction was wicker than the control. While, the captopril treatment produced an increase in the vasopressin IRM in the hypertensive group and a decrease in the WKY group.