Análisis de una experiencia de docencia universitaria semipresencial desde la perspectiva del alumnado
ISSN: 1138-2783
Any de publicació: 2008
Títol de l'exemplar: La docencia virtual en las universidades presenciales ( vol. 2)
Volum: 11
Número: 1
Pàgines: 231-254
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: RIED: revista iberoamericana de educación a distancia
In this article we present the analysis of the expectations, appraisals and opinions declared by the alumnado belonging to two groups (TO and B) of the subject of Educational Technology (Qualification of Teaching) of the University of The Gap, obtained al start and al final of a process of teaching supported in the use continued of a virtual classroom and in eyewitness sessions of group work and of tutorización. This experience of blended learning or teaching semipresencial develops in the institutional framework of the assembly of pilot projects for the virtual teaching called by the Vicerrectorado of Plans of Study and corresponding Own Titles al course 2006-07. The virtual classroom of this experience is lodged in the Virtual Campus of the University ( developed under the platform Moodle. The information collection of the perspectives of the students was realized in two phases: the first one with an initial questionnaire of expectations to the beginning of the course(year), and another final with another questionnaire on having finished the experience.
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