Gestión multiperspectivista del discurso en la argumentación oral en contextos académicos
ISSN: 0210-3702, 1578-4126
Year of publication: 2016
Volume: 39
Issue: 3
Pages: 450-465
Type: Article
More publications in: Journal for the Study of Education and Development, Infancia y Aprendizaje
Sustainable development goals
The relationship between perspectivism and oral argumentation is explored by observing eight triads of high school and university students discussing an environmental dilemma, with the aim of convincing their peers. No differences are appreciated between high school and university students regarding the frequency and duration of perspectivistic levels of discourse. When analysing such levels in the whole sample, significant differences are revealed in favour of the me (defence and explanation of own perspective) and other as an obstacle (demolition of others’ positions) levels, compared to the other strategy (legitimate persuasion) and us (search for agreement) levels. Therefore, argumentative discourse is anchored in a reasoned defense of one’s own perspective as well as in the attack on others, displaying a limited perspectivistic development. In relation to the interaction sequences, symmetrical responses are observed towards the me and other as obstacle levels, both in high school and university students, and also towards us in university students. The potential of perspectivism to improve expert argumentation is discussed.
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