Alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase-deficient mice, a model for primary hyperoxaluria that responds to adenoviral gene transfer

  1. Salido, E.C.
  2. Li, X.M.
  3. Lu, Y.
  4. Wang, X.
  5. Santana, A.
  6. Roy-Chowdhury, N.
  7. Torres, A.
  8. Shapiro, L.J.
  9. Roy-Chowdhury, J.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

ISSN: 0027-8424

Année de publication: 2006

Volumen: 103

Número: 48

Pages: 18249-18254

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.0607218103 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

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