La masonería española en Marruecosun proyecto colonial (1881-1936)

  1. Aguiar Bobet, Valeria
Supervised by:
  1. José Antonio Piqueras Arenas Director
  2. Manuel de Paz Sánchez Co-director

Defence university: Universitat Jaume I

Fecha de defensa: 08 January 2020

  1. Pedro F. Álvarez Lázaro Chair
  2. Rocío Velasco de Castro Secretary
  3. Fulvio Conti Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 613982 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This investigation analyzes the behavior adopted by the Spanish masonry in Morocco from its implantation at the end of the 19th century until its disappearance during the civil war due to the repression exerted against the order. The analysis starts from a colonial context of Muslim and Jewish majority, a context that will grant a differential character in raltion to the rest of the Spanish regions with masonic representation: immersed in a multicultural society with very significant ideological-religious and ethno-cultural differences, Freemasonry will fulfill different functions depending on the groups and individuals, depending on the institution itself and the periods in which it subsisted. But in general, it will reintroduce and reinvent, from its inception, the different elements that have constituted the Andalusian myth and essential masonic precepts, adjusting them to the colonial environment and to the political and contextual logics of the different Spanish governments and of the Hispanic-Moroccan authorities.