Indices de producción de falso recuerdo y falso reconocimiento para 55 listas de palabras en castellano

  1. Díez Villoria, Emiliano
  2. Alonso Rodríguez, María Ángeles
  3. Beato Gutiérrez, María Soledad
  4. Fernández Ramos, Ángel

ISSN: 0214-9915

Year of publication: 2004

Volume: 16

Issue: 3

Pages: 357-362

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicothema


False recall and false recognition production indexes for 55 word-lists in Spanish: Word lists containing the 15 most frequent associates to a set of 55 critical words were elaborated on the basis of free-association norms available in Spanish. The degree to which studying each list led to false recall and false recognition of the corresponding critical words was empirically determined in two independent DRM experiments. The results showed a high level of variability among the lists in producing both false recall and false recognition, and they are of special interest for the design of DRM experiments with Spanish-speaking participants

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