Planificación de proyectos de plantas industrialesel efecto relajación y modelos explicativos de los retrasos

  1. Vicente Valero, Francisco
Dirixida por:
  1. Sergio Barba-Romero Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 05 de xullo de 2001

  1. Diego Azqueta Oyarzun Presidente/a
  2. Joaquín Pérez Navarro Secretario/a
  3. Joaquín Sicilia Rodríguez Vogal
  4. José Ignacio Olmeda Martos Vogal
  5. Patricio Gómez Pérez Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 85463 DIALNET lock_opene_Buah editor


This dissertation work analyses the almost universally observed delay in finishing the projects with respect to the estimated completion date. The analysis focuses on the specific framework of industrial plant projects. The only efficient way of dealing with such delay is acting on the real causes of it. The main cause of delays has been traditionally thought to be a faulty estimate of the project completion date. The aim of the present work is to show, analyse and quantify other causes, which are located in the working environment, through the concept of “loosening effect”. To this end, we develop a family of models quantifying the incidence of the loosening effect in each project activity. Another family of models connect some parameters of the project with the final completion delay. The later models allow us to identify the “Organization Constant” from the analysis of past real projects. In this constant value are to be based the actions needed to neutralize the loosening effect and the consequent delays.