El mandala en el arte y filosofía de la cultura tibetana. Mapas simbólicos hacia la sabiduría primordial

  1. Riera Ortolá, Margarita Tsering
Supervised by:
  1. Joan Llobell Andrés Director

Defence university: Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

Fecha de defensa: 01 December 2015

  1. Pilar Escanero de Miguel Chair
  2. Rocío Villalonga Secretary
  3. Juana María Balsalobre García Committee member
  4. María Luisa Hodgson Torres Committee member
  5. José Mayor Iborra Committee member

Type: Thesis


The mandala, symbol of the sacred, is a concept born in the ancient India, of Sanskrit. The mandala, khil-khor in Tibetan, means sacred circle, in which it is of great importance the relationship established between the center and its surroundings, as well as between the axis mundi and the four spatial directions. The design of the mandala is found in many cultures, as an archaic archetype that is born of a universal unconscious, as the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung noted. Studying the mandala from the different disciplines of art, philosophy, Tibetan Buddhism, psychology, history, art history, design, science, etc. makes us understand that these magical designs encrypt deeper meanings of reality and the mind of man. In this sense there are numerous authors from different areas of knowledge and personalities connected directly with the Tibetan culture, who we interviewed, who have updated the meaning of this ancient and enigmatic circle that we term mandala. Its lines, colors, shapes, materials and dimensions demonstrate the dynamics and the universal energy, intrinsic in the man and everything around him. These form a symbolic map that guides you through different levels to the primordial wisdom of being, the center of the mandala, where we understand that there is no separate one, but an integrated whole and where the whole concept of duality disappears. Understanding the mandala from a holistic view and from a philosophical and artistic approach is to understand life from another more open and humane, humble and wise view, where subtle truths of reality and the laws that rule what we perceive are revealed, the visible and the invisible. To reach the center of the mandala is to shed the ego and to get the true nature of absolute understanding of being.