Protohistoria y antigüedad en el sureste peninsularel poblamiento de la depresión de Vera y Valle del río Almanzora (Almería)

  1. Mª Esther Chávez Álvarez
  2. Mª Dolores Cámalich Massieu
  3. Dimas Martín Socas
  4. Pedro González Quintero

Editorial: Archaeopress

ISBN: 1-84171-306-6

Año de publicación: 2002

Tipo: Libro


A study of the evolution of settlement patterns in the Vera Basin and Almanzora river valley in Almeria, south-east Spain. The surveys carried out in the late 1980s and early 1990s provided the material on which this study is based and helps to reconstruct the development of settlement from the early Phoenician colonisation of the area in the 8th century BC to Late Antiquity and the early 8th century AD.