Las restricciones financieras como obstáculo al desarrollo de las pymeslos casos de España, Portugal y México

  1. Rodríguez Brito, María Gracia
  2. Zorrilla Salgador, Juan Pablo
Conocimiento, innovación y emprendedores: camino al futuro
  1. Ayala Calvo, Juan Carlos (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Universidad de La Rioja

ISBN: 84-690-3573-8

Argitalpen urtea: 2007

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


The objective of this work is providing empirical evidence that prove the smes suffer an inadequate credit access and these financial restrictions limited his development. For this reason we selected the experience to three countries: Spain, Portugal and Mexico. This work is organized in five sections. First, a brief introduction is presented. Second, the macroeconomic situation in the three analysed countries is characterized. Third, the enterprises structures are analysed. Fourth, the factors that explain the difficulty to credit access of Spanish, Portuguese and Mexican smes are exanimate. Finally, in the fifth section some recommendations of economy policy to improve the access to the credit markets are planted