Co-evaluación en un ejercicio de resolución de problemas de biosciencias
- Vega Navarro, Ana (coord.)
- Stendardi, David (coord.)
Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de La Laguna
ISBN: 987-84-15939-57-3
Year of publication: 2017
Pages: 209-220
Congress: Universidad de La Laguna. Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la ULL (7. 2016. La Laguna)
Type: Conference paper
Sustainable development goals
Co-evaluation or evaluation between peers is gaining ground as a drive for the active role of the student in the learning process. Students are given the opportunity to review their classmate�s work, facing their own evaluation and thus reflecting of their learning process. As a result they are able to reorient their own strategy. In this communication we show the results of a co-evaluation exercise carried out with a group of 90 students of a degree in Biology, within a general course of biochemistry containing enzymology issues. Although none of them have done co-evaluations before, results show that the corrections made were refined and consistent with those made by teachers